Thursday, May 9, 2013

A Few Fiction Freebies

A few good freebies today.

[Art from "Stargazer" - linked below]

• At Paizo: "Stargazer - Chapter One: Venomous Friends" by Chris A. Jackson. Fantasy. Pathfinder.
     "Black sails tore out of the moonless night, all but invisible as the corsair Stargazer swooped down on her prey. Even as the merchant galleon's crew recognized the danger, three ballistae cracked in perfect unison, and their steel heads bit into the planks of the ship's hull."

• At Project Gutenberg: "Gods of the North" by Robert E. Howard. Fantasy.
     "The clangor of the swords had died away, the shouting of the slaughter was hushed; silence lay on the red-stained snow. The pale bleak sun that glittered so blindingly from the ice-fields and the snow-covered plains struck sheens of silver from rent corselet and broken blade, where the dead lay in heaps. The nerveless hand yet gripped the broken hilt: helmeted heads, back-drawn in the death throes, tilted red beards and golden beards grimly upward, as if in last invocation to Ymir the frost-giant."

Flash Fiction
• At Free eBooks Daily:
Audio Fiction
• At Escape Pod: "Robot" by Helena Bell. Science Fiction.
     "You may wash your aluminum chassis on Monday and leave it on the back porch opposite the recyclables; you may wash your titanium chassis on Friday if you promise to polish it in time for church; don’t terrorize the cat; don’t lose the pamphlets my husband has brought home from the hospital; they suggest I give you a name, do you like Fred?; don’t eat the dead flesh of my right foot until after I have fallen asleep and cannot hear the whir of your incisors working against the bone."

Other Genres

1 comment:

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