"To a man bereaved of all as I was, distance and time are only words. For me then, and also now, only one word any more can exist: God. The god Orkrem."
"At the age of sixteen the great Champollion had mastered a dozen languages; at the age of ten Oyla had mastered two dozen languages from eight different worlds. At the age of thirty-two Champollion translated the hieroglyphs of ancient Egypt. At the age of twelve Oyla translated the language of the people she named the Dancers."
@The Canadian Science Fiction Review: "Don't Move a Muscle, Mr. Liberty" by Jordan Ellinger.
"Crumpled leather the colour of a fisherman’s tan, it sits on its head in the middle of the cobblestone plaza. It is a great fisher of men, my hat. It sweeps up passing tourists and holds them before me, their jowls hanging loose like gasping catfish as I ply my trade."
@MindFlights: "Let My Ship Sail Like Brendan's" by Joseph C. Romano.
"A monk's cargo holds the key to Earth's salvation. "
@Dark Valentine Magazine: "A Coral Pillow" by G. Wells Taylor.
"Yes, there on the salted sea breeze, he saw a golden coil of hair. It danced in the air and beckoned, but he could see nothing more."
@BestScienceFictionStories: "The Exterminator’s Want-Ad" (2010) by Bruce Sterling. Reviewed with a link to the story online.
Serial Fiction:
@Kat And Mouse: Guns For Hire: "Payback" Part One by Abner Senires.
"Franco Bianchi, Righetti family consigliere, stood in the middle of the Red Dog's back hallway near the rear entrance, hands folded in front of him, and looked at us from beneath bushy eyebrows. 'We have a problem, ladies,' he said."
Classic SF:
@Project Gutenberg: "Palos of the Dog Star Pack" (1918) by J. U. Giesy. [via Triplanetary]
"He stood on the side of a mountain in the midst of an almost tropic vegetation. Giant trees were about him, giant ferns sprouted from the soil. But here, as on earth, the color of the leaves was green."
"Keep Your Shape" by Robert Sheckley. (from Galaxy Science Fiction November 1953.)
"Only a race as incredibly elastic as the Grom could have a single rule of war" At Munseys and Project Gutenberg.
and "Wheels Within" (from Galaxy Science Fiction May 1952.)
"Never ask 'Who am I and where do I come from?' The answers may not be what you'd expect!" At Munseys and Project Gutenberg.

@Beam Me Up: Episode #253 featuring stories by David Steffen & Jason Kahn.
Audio fiction and SF/Science news.
@Podcastle: Miniature #60 "Cranberry Honey" by Amal El-Mohtar, read by Marguerite Croft.
There is fire in his wrists, fire in his walk, fire beneath his fingernails. He is red, redder than rowan berries, for rowan doesn’t bleed as cranberries do, and it is cranberries that he gathers and stews and crushes, cranberries in which he steeps his skin.
Serial Audio:
@Scott Sigler's website: "The Starter" part six.
"The free agents have arrived at the Touchback, and this season Quentin gets input on personnel decisions. What kind of talent will he add to the Krakens roster?"
@The Witch Hunter Chronicles: The Final Episode – "Requiem"
"The end of our series. It’s been a long time in the making and we are very happy to be able to present it to you at last."
@Every Day Fiction: "And That's Uncle Thom" by Loren Arthur Moreno.
@365 tomorrows: "Anthropic" by Ian Rennie.
@Trollish Delver: "Markings" by Scott Malthouse.
@Daily Science Fiction: "The Cloud Dragon Ate Red Balloons" by Tom Cardamone.
@Every Day Fiction: "Impish Balance" by Douglas Pugh.
@365 tomorrows: "Biding" by Steve Smith.
"In this case the mushroom is nothing like the delicious or toxic little things found in the forest, but a living, hungry entity, very similar to a cephalopod mollusk – an octopus."
Online HERE.
Issues one through three are in PDF downloads HERE.
An Adventure Module for Original and First Edition Roleplaying Games & Their Simulacra. Suitable for a Party of 4 to 8 Player Characters, Level 5 to 9. (Early edition D&D or retro clones).
In PDF download HERE.
Small, But Cool, Gaming Freebies.
@The Land of NOD: [Encounter] Mu-Pan - Encounter VII.
@Ancient Vaults & Eldritch Secrets: [New Magic Item] Trickster’s Parchment.
@Ancient Vaults & Eldritch Secrets: [New Spell] Watery Ensnarement.
@Axe & Hammer: [Price Guide] Paying the Troops: Officers.
@Jeff's Gameblog: [New Spell] Desanguinate Foe. - Gross
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