Saturday, April 23, 2011

Quasar Dragon Presents "Delirium on Deneb"

"Delirium on Deneb" by Rolf Martell, from Thrilling Wonder Stories (April 1953). The latest classic genre public domain to premiere here.

"JON HORGA, big, bulky and space-tanned, sat alone in the spaceport bar, nursing the last drink he could buy. He savagely ground out his blue Venusian cigar and felt the single orange credit note in his jacket pocket. Tomorrow, he knew, a space patrol blacklist would be thrown at him for suspected wrecking, and he'd be grounded for good. Horga, though he burned with anger, was not badly worried. Flush with credits or broke, he'd always landed on his feet, because he'd always been a little harder and more ruthless than his enemies. And everyone —man or humanoid—he considered his potential enemy."

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