Now this is what I call a mooooviiieee! One well dressed alien nearly destroys the human race. He's almost as handsome as me, Lt. Bob. Thanks to The Land of NOD for inadvertently suggesting this one.
Back on Moonday!
Robot Monster (1953)
"Ro-Man, an alien that looks remarkably like a gorilla in a diving helmet, has been sent to Earth as the advance party of an impending invasion. Destroyed all but six people on the planet Earth. He spends the entire film trying to finish off these survivors"
@The author's site: The Song of Phaid the Gambler by Mike Farren (1981). [via Triplanetary].
"Despite the sad present and the seemingly hopeless future, a small but unsanitary village had grown up around the dome. Lethargic primitives who had wandered in from the deep jungle had set up hovels made from salvaged plastic sheet and scrap lumber."
- @Amazon: The Strange Case of Finley Jayne by Kady Cross. (Kindle only) [via SF Signal].
- From The Living Dead 2 zombie anthology edited by John Joseph Adams [via SF Signal]:
- "The Skull-Faced City" by David Barr Kirtley*
- "And the Next, and the Next" by Genevieve Valentine
- "Flotsam & Jetsam" by Carrie Ryan
- "Mouja" by Matt London
- "Who We Used to Be" by David Moody
- "The Days of Flaming Motorcycles" by Catherynne M. Valente
- "Obedience" by Brenna Yovanoff
- "Rural Dead" by Bret Hammond
- "Good People" by David Wellington
- From The Way of the Wizard anthology edited by John Joseph Adams [via SF Signal]:
- Family Tree - David Barr Kirtley
- Card Sharp - Rajan Khanna
- The Thirteen Texts of Arthyria" by John R. Fultz
- One Click Banishment" by Jeremiah Tolbert
- Love is the Spell That Casts Out Fear" by Desirina Boskovich
- Cerile and the Journeyer" by Adam-Troy Castro
- So Deep That the Bottom Could Not Be Seen" by Genevieve Valentine
- The Magician and the Maid and Other Stories" by Christie Yant
- @Every Day Fiction: "Horns or Wings" by Daniel Ausema.
- @365 tomorrows: "The Value of Archaeology" by Juliette Harrisson.
- @Weird Year: "What I Shall Say to My Son…" by David Macpherson.
- @The New Flesh: "Acceptance" by Josh Myers.
- @The Warrior's Comic Book Den: "Success Story" B&W/horror (1965).
- @The Horrors of It All: "Zombie Magic! / Thing from the Grave" B&W/horror (1971).
- @Savage Tales: Dagar the Invincible in "Death Flies On Scarlet Wings" Sword & Sorcery (1977).
- @Pappy's Golden Age Comics Blogzine: "I'll Never Let You Go" Ghost Story (1973).
- @The Comic Book Catacombs: Dr. Voodoo in "The Queen of the Giants" Adventure (1941).
- @The Fabuleous Fifties: "The City Vanished" Sci-Fi (195?) - and two other stories.
- @rcubedagain: "They Crawl by Night!" Horror (1953).
- @Black 'n' White and Red All Over: "The Mummy Stalks!" B&W/horror (1966).
- @Black 'n' White and Red All Over: "The Day After Doomsday" B&W/Sci-Fi horror (1967).
- @Atomic Kommie Comics: "Disk Jockey" Sci-Fi (1958) and
- @Atomic Kommie Comics: Spurs Jackson "Death from U-235" Sci-Fi/Western (195?)
- @Triplanetary: "Science Fiction Dictionary" from Travelers of Space: An Anthology of Life on Other Worlds (Gnome Press, 1951) - Link and details.
- @My Star Trek Scrapbook: Trek models from the 1975 Model Rocketry Catalog
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