Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Elric "The Black Petals" Pt 2 of 3, Tons of Flash Fiction, and More

A ton of flash fiction today, part two of the three-part Elric story at StarShipSofa. I don't have too many details about that but Moorcock + Elric + StarShipSofa = awesome! And three longer tales for your enjoyment. I have been having trouble with my internet all morning so I might have missed something - in which case it will be added either tonight or tomorrow.

@Ray Gun Revival: "On A Crooked Planet" by Dan Larnerd. Science Fiction.
"Hanging in orbit was the UES Pierre Cruzatte; a long range survey ship that resembled a submarine more than the starships from twentieth century television. It had no windows and no graceful curves; just thick titanium bulkheads, blinking sensor arrays and a monstrous interstellar drive."
@Yesteryear Fiction: "The Dragon King" By Robert William Shmigelsky. Fantasy.
"The high wind, tossing and turning over top of a vast kingdom of castles, mansions, towers, halls and arks, flew towards a tall, distant blue tower, which spiraled up into the night sky to the top of the veiled heavens beyond like a whirlwind pulled up from the ocean and frozen into place."
Classic Fiction
@Munseys and Project Gutenberg: "Feet Of Clay by Phillip Hoskins. Science Fiction.
"Life is pretty strange when a god who is good and benevolent must prove that he has"

@StarShipSofa: Episode #192 featuring The Black Petals Pt 2 of 3 by Michael Moorcock, read by Peter Cavell.

@Daily Science Fiction: "Remember" by Will Arthur.
@Daily Science Fiction: "V is for Vámonos" by Tim Pratt, Jenn Reese, Heather Shaw, Greg van Eekhout
@Every Day Fiction: "Sunstance Q" by Michael Madden. Horror.
@Every Day Fiction: "Lessons Never Learned" by Christopher Owen. Fantasy.
@Aoife's Kiss: [Poem] "Spell" Fantasy. Until July 2011?
@Quantum Muse: "The Crimson Wind" by James Gardner.
@Eschatology: "Time, and Tide" by Stephen Ramey. Horror.
@Eschatology: "For All of Humanity" by Brian M. Sammons. Horror.
@365 tomorrows: Science Fiction.
@Flashes in the Dark: Horror.
@The Fifth Dimension: [Poetry] Fantasy and SF.
@Weirdyear: Weird Fiction.
@Yesteryear Fiction: Fantasy.
@The New Flesh: Horror.
@Apex Magazine: [poetry]

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