Illustration from the Dark Horse Comics link below.

"It's June according to the calendar, but in the land of Enchanted Conversation, it's cold and treacherous and filled with revenge. It's the "Snow White Poetry Issue," and it's very clear that our poets have read, and were inspired by, the ancient, dark versions of 'Snow White.'" Featuring fairy tale poetry by Katrina Robinson, Sarah Stasik, Ace G. Pilkington, Julia H. West, Rachel Ayers, Candace L. Barr, Deborah Walker, Lorraine Schein, Mary Meriam, and Frances McQuillan.

"Chet McKenzie and the Moment of Truth" by Meredith Galman
"The Urn" by John Barnes
"The Possibility of Flat Sea Ghosts" by P.F. White
"Skinny Jeans of the Zombie Apocalpyse" by Nicky Drayden
"The Manipulator" by Chris Stageman
"The Underbelly" by Danielle Abramsohn
"Pearl" by Stephanie Charette
"Preying for Help" by John C. Tremblay

"Fairview 619" by Rebecca Schwarz.
"The house is quiet but not empty. Maybe an hour before sunrise, it’s one of my favorite times. While the system preference is to monitor all cameras simultaneously, I prefer to run them in sequence as if on patrol."
"God-Deaf" by Cheryl Barkauskas
"Yes, daughter, the Goddess replied. Her voice shimmered soundlessly. The question was rhetorical—Erai felt the divine presence like a warmth."

"Reverie" Milo James Fowler. Science Fiction.
"A Spriggan Moon" By Laura L. Hill. Fantasy.
"The Devil's Moccasins" By Madeline Bridgen. Horror.
"Pretty Simone" By Jamie Killen. Horror.
"Summer Jumpers" By A.J. Brown. Spec. Fiction.
"We Meet Again" By J.M. Ferguson. Horror.

"Here you will find Arachne, weaving for her lost love; a group of school children who are among the last witnesses to a dying world; an immortal cowboy, his most unusual horse, and the scorpion he tries to befriend; a world devoid of both mosquitoes and love; a museum, slowly being devoured from within; the rise of a new kind of humanity, triggered by an earworm of a song; and a terrifying childhood nightmare, made horribly real."
"Arachne" by J. M. McDermott
"Love in the Absence of Mosquitoes" by Mari Ness
"So Speaketh the Trauma Gods" by John Medaille
"Plague of Locusts" by Sylvia Spruck Wrigley
"Museum Beetles" by Simon Kewin
"They Wait" by Steve Barber
"The Cowboy, the Horse, and the Scorpion" by Nathaniel Lee
Serial Fiction
@More Red Ink: "The 43 Antarean Dynasties (Part 3 of 3)" by Mike Resnick.
When the Antareans learned that Man's Republic wish to annex their world, they gathered their army in Zanthu and then marched out onto the battlefield, 300,000 strong. They were the cream of the planet's young warriors, gold of eye, the reticulated plates of their skin glistening in the morning sun, prepared to defend their homeworld.

@Free SF Reader: Two mega-lists of free online comics, many of which fall into genres covered here (all in flash format, but you can't have everything). These lists are Dark Horse Comics, which includes Falling Skies shown above, but requires a free account, and the even larger list of other companies. (and of course you should check out the rest of the site while there).
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