Saturday, June 4, 2011

Saturday Free Fiction

Yay, it's the weekend. As promised there are some (six) cool, free SF stories available for download or online reading. There are also a couple of free "amateur" magazines. These may present an opportunity to read future big name writers before almost anyone else. This weekend's QuasarDragon presents is in progress - It is the largest one yet so it is taking a wee bit longer. "Nine-Tenths of the Law" by Jenna Black, from Chicks Kick Butt, an anthology of short stories out June 7th from Tor Books.
"Nothing good ever comes from private citizens visiting my office. Which was why I looked up from my pile of paper-work and scowled when a middle-aged couple stepped through my office door without knocking."

Black Petals, an amateur magazine "about the dark side of Science Fiction, and the bizarre and unusual in Horror" has out its 55th Issue with fiction and poetry by M. L. Fortier, Krista Krueger, Jeff Baker, Jason Sturner, Phil Esquibel, Derrick Keeton, Mike Aronovitz, David Harry Moss, Alexis Child, and Anjelica Hatzialexandrou.

Yellow Mama, an amateur magazine "publishing cutting edge, hardboiled, horror, literary, noir, and psychological/horror" has its 25th issue up with fiction and poetry by Leland Thoburn, Cindy Rosmus, Connor de Bruler, Christopher Klim, Kenneth James Crist, Richard Hill, Matthew McBride, David Massengill, Kent Robinson, Mike Kerins, Chris Castle, Paul Newman, Emma Ramos, Chris Deal, Luis Cuauhtemoc Berriozabal, Thomas Zimmerman, Rebecca Schumejda, Cutter Slagle, Kenneth P. Gurney, Richard Godwin, Lyn Lifshin, Tyler Bigney, Alan Britt, Ayaz Daryl Nielsen, and A. M. Stickel.

Phoenix Pick is continuing their "Free eBook-a-Month" promotion, with the novelette "Georgia On My Mind" by Charles Sheffield. Important details at SF Signal.

Classic Science Fiction
@Project Gutenberg: "The Beautiful People" by Charles Beaumont, from If Worlds of Science Fiction (Sept. 1952). Science Fiction.
"Mary was a misfit. She didn't want to be beautiful. And she wasted time doing mad things—like eating and sleeping."

@Munseys and Project Gutenberg: "Shock Treatment" by Stanley Mullen, If Worlds of Science Fiction (Sept. 1952).
"I'll give you the cure for the most horrible disease," Songeen said. "The sickness of life itself." Newlin replied, "Fine. But first, give me a couple of minutes to kill your husband. Then we'll go on from there."

@Munseys and Project Gutenberg: "Planet of the Gods" by Robert Moore Williams, from Amazing Stories (Dec. 1942). Science Fiction.
"Two planets circling Vega! But a more amazing discovery waited the explorers when they landed!"
@Munseys and Project Gutenberg: "Deadly City" by Paul W. Fairman, from IF Worlds of Science Fiction (March 1953). Science Fiction.
"You're all alone in a deserted city. You walk down an empty street, yearning for the sight of one living face—one moving figure. Then you see a man on a corner and you know your terror has only begun."

@Munseys and Project Gutenberg: "The Test Colony" by Winston Marks, from If Worlds of Science Fiction (Sept. 1954). Science Fiction.
"Benson did his best to keep his colony from going native, but what can you do when the Natives have a rare human intelligence and know all about the facts of life?"

@The Internet Archive: "The First Martian" by Eando Binder, from Amazing Stories (Oct. 1932). [via Marooned - Science Fiction & Fantasy books on Mars]
"Our continued experiments in radio and television may play a much more important part in the eventual realization of successful interplanetary travel than we can possible conceive of right now. But if we stop a moment to think about it, the possibilities of such closely allied work between radio, television and rocket travel tale on vast proportions"

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