At Daily Science Fiction: "Caput Mortuum" by Andrew Kay.
"The Master's voice trickles from the speaking tube. "Renán," he says, his voice an urgent orange but matte with kindness, "please come downstairs."
At Lightspeed: "Beyond the Reach of His Gods" by Brian Ruckley. Fantasy.
"An unseen log boomed against Wolfrun’s hull. In the last few days, Rhuan of the Grey Hall had taken to posting a lookout on the prow, to ward against just such events. This great, fat monstrosity of a river seemed at times to carry almost as much debris as it did water."
At Lightspeed: "Art of War" by Nancy Kress. Science Fiction.
“Return fire!” the colonel ordered, bleeding on the deck of her ship, ferocity raging in her nonetheless controlled voice.
At Philippine Genre Stories: "The New Daughter" by Dean Francis Alfar. Fantasy.
"When the boy inevitably grew up, married and moved away with his own growing family, the toymaker decided to make a girl."
At Strange Horizons: "The Lord of Discarded Things" by Lavie Tidhar. Speculative Fiction.
"There were still alte-zachen men in Jaffa and Central Station in those days, as there always were and always will be, and chief amongst them was Ibrahim, he who was sometimes called The Lord of Discarded Things."
Now Posted: Innsmouth Magazine #11. Horror.
- "The Dark Island" by William Meikle.
- "The Drowned Ballet" by Kirsten Alene.
- "Charlotte Babbage and the Engine of Liberia" by Andrew Dombalagian.
- "The Boston Look" by Evan Dicken
- "Prayer to the Priest of Dreams" by| Josh Storey.
- "Dinner at Majak’s" by Nghi Vo.
- "Silence of the Imbeciles" by John C. Conway. Speculative Fiction.
- "The Light in Everything" by Dan Grace. Speculative Fiction.
- "Masters of the Earth" by Margaret Karmazin. Science Fiction.
- "The Newborn" by Alex Mellen. Science Fiction.
- "A Different Blessing" by Milton Davis. Zombies.
Audio Fiction
At Author’s Site: The MVP Episode #1 by Scott Sigler. Science Fiction.
"If you recall the end of Book III in this series, our fighting Krakens were stranded in a place they did not want to be, about to be boarded by sentients they did not want to meet. We pick up the story right from there."
At LibriVox: "Omega: The Last Days of the World" by Camille Flammarion. Science Fiction. 1894.
"On 25th century Earth, a comet is on a path to collide with the Earth ending it all. Astronomers predict different scenarios as to how they will all die depending on the chemical composition of the comet. Omega probes the philosophical and political consequences that arise as the human race faces the end of the world."
At LibriVox: "The Eyes Have It and Tony and the Beetles" by Philip K. Dick. Science Fiction.
"Aliens have invaded the earth! Horrible one celled creatures disguised as normal human beings" and "10 year old Tony grows up fast when history catches up with the human race. A sobering look at human history .. and our probable future."
At Lightspeed: "Art of War" by Nancy Kress. Science Fiction.
“Return fire!” the colonel ordered, bleeding on the deck of her ship, ferocity raging in her nonetheless controlled voice.
At Protecting Project Pulp: “The Way Down the Hill” by Tim Powers. Speculative Fiction. 1982.
"The rich, leathery smell of Latakia tobacco told me that old Bill was there, and I soon identified him by the long, blackened meerschaum pipe he somehow found again every time. The little girl puffing at it gave me a raised eyebrow."
At Toasted Cake: "Your Cities" by Anaea Lay. Speculative Fiction.
"It's like the city just shrugged," somebody whispered.
*Or if I get too busy or too lazy, they'll be up tomorrow.
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