Thursday, August 29, 2013

Finally Here Free Fiction

What a day. The fiction just didn't want to come today. In order to get it we had to wrestle a troll, fly a broom, play chess, solve a logic puzzle, look into a dangerous mirror, and . . . or was that Harry Potter? I always forget whose life is whose.  But the fiction is here, finally!  [Art from The Ark Plallas in E-books]


• At Project Gutenberg: The Bright Messenger by Algernon Blackwood. 1922. Dark Fantasy.
       "Edward Fillery is the child of a brief but passionate liaison between an engineer and a strangely beautiful peasant girl. Blessed with special insight and with a 'primal quality' in his blood, Edward becomes a doctor, helping and healing those with distressing psychological illnesses. When he hears of an unusual case in Switzerland he is intrigued and moved. The young male patient, apparently born of a 'magical experiment', is a man of mystical tendencies, a worshipper of natural forces. And when he sees a portrait of the patient, there is a brief, indefinable spark of recognition.." -Amazon.

• At SciFi Ideas: "Second Victim" by Harry de Vries. Science Fiction. [via SF Signal]
     "Amelia sighed. The infernal rain drizzled on, and her breath flew from her mouth like smoke from the distant CentraCont Industry factories. Despite the late Mr. Debenhall, their industry powered on. A white-winged street skimmer dived over her head, the water falling from beneath it’s chromium chassis giving her in a redundant not to mention unwanted shower. Cursing under her breath, she turned at River street and powered on."

Flash Fiction
• At Daily Science Fiction: "Tomorrow Is Winter" by Callie Snow. Science Fiction.
• At Nature: "The Speed of Dark Energy" by Jeff Hecht. Science Fiction.
• At Omni Reboot : "Our Knuckles Drenched Dionysian" by Ken Baumann. Science Fiction. [via SF Signal]
• At 365 Tomorrows: "FilmScape" by Lindsey McLeod. Science Fiction.
At Silver Blade: Poems,

At Amazon: [via Pixel-of-Ink]
At Amazon: [via Freebook Sifter]
At Smashwords:
Other Genres

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