Sunday, August 11, 2013

More Free Fiction

 Well the weekend is winding down, but free fiction will continue unabated. 

• At Cast of Wonders: "The Void Test" by Therese Arkenberg. YA Fantasy.
     "On a porch of the temple, a tall woman stood and watched the girl approach. Behind her, the bronze doors stood open, and a brazier smoked in the darkness of the sanctuary within. Wisps of smoke twined with the mist rising into the air."

Flash Fiction
  • At Every Day Fiction: "Perfect" by Katherine M Lansky. Fantasy.
  • At 365 Tomorrow: "Storm Clouds" by Harshavardhan Rangan. Science Fiction.

• At Amazon: The End – A Post Apocalyptic Novel by G. Michael Hopf.  [via Pixel-of-Ink]
At Amazon [via  Freebook Sifter]
At Free eBooks Daily:
• At Cast of Wonders: "The Void Test" by Therese Arkenberg. YA Fantasy.
     "On a porch of the temple, a tall woman stood and watched the girl approach. Behind her, the bronze doors stood open, and a brazier smoked in the darkness of the sanctuary within. Wisps of smoke twined with the mist rising into the air."

• At Chilling Tales for Dark Nights: "The Girl in the Mirror" by Allison Terry. Horror.
       "a group of girls who decide to tempt fate at a party one night, repeating the name of a deceased local girl in order to summon her spirit."

• At Cthulhu: "The Wrong Side of the Tracks, part 2" by T.C. Mcqueen. Horror.
     No Description.

Old Time Radio
• At SFFaudio: 1984 by George Orwell - Lux Radio Theater.
     "This rare recording features Vincent Price starring in an Australian radio adaptation of George Orwell’s 1984. Produced at the Lux Radio Theatre in Sydney, Australia, in 1955 the interesting twist with this version is that the narrator is split-off personality of Winston Smith’s, and that personality is played by a different actor."


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