Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Rusty Keele's "The Race" and other Cool, Free Flash Fiction.

A good selection of free flash fiction from several genres. And be sure to check out "The Race by's Rusty Keele.

@Daily Science Fiction: "Godless" by Stephen V. Ramey.
@Daily Science Fiction: "Y is for Yellow" by Tim Pratt, Jenn Reese, Heather Shaw, and Greg van Eekhout.
@Strange Horizons: [poem] "The Curator Speaks in the Department of Dead Languages" by Megan Arkenberg.
@Every Day Fiction: "Blood Oath" by John Eric Vona. Science Fiction.
@Every Day Fiction: "Two Kinds of Sleep" by Jason Fischer. Fantasy.
@Flashes in the Dark: "Motherhood" by Lori Titus. Horror.
@Flashes in the Dark: "The Unfortunates" by Chris Castle, Horror.
@Flashes in the Dark: "Hank Mobley: Spiritual Guide" by Chris Rhatigan. Horror.
@Flashes in the Dark: "There’s a Bad Moon Rising" by Thomas Pluck. Horror.
@335 tomorrows: "Something Famous" by Samantha L. Barrett.Science Fiction.
@Weirdyear: "The Race" by Rusty Keele.
@335 tomorrows: "Good(k)night" by Jason Frank.Science Fiction.
@335 tomorrows: "Survival" by Brian T. Carter. Science Fiction.
@335 tomorrows: "Dreadnought" by Jae Miles.Science Fiction.
@Yesteryear Fiction: "Indian Summer" by Gil C. Schmidt. Fantasy.
@Yesteryear Fiction: "Super Bears" by Chris Sharp. Fantasy.
@Yesteryear Fiction: "Training Mission" by Jeff Kyle, Jr. Fantasy.
@Yesteryear Fiction: "The Dreaming Cat" by Melinda Giordano. Fantasy.
@Yesteryear Fiction: "The Mermaid" by Melinda Giordano. Fantasy.
@Eschatology: "The Things You Get Used To" by Brian M. Sammons. Horror.
@The New Flesh: "Tattered Title in a Different Time" by Josh Myers. Horror.
@The New Flesh: "Loosefish and Fastfish" by Josh Myers. Horror.
@The New Flesh: "Up and Down Like Stupid Toys" by Josh Myers. Horror.
@The New Flesh: "Devils" by Josh Myers. Horror.
@Quantum Muse: "Fans" by Michael Peralta.
@Brain Harvest: "Train Ride Out of Oakland" by Jennifer Hurley. Speculative Fiction.
@ChiZine [Poems - Dark]


Rusty said...


Thanks for mentioning my little story! It was a fun one to write, and is my small attempt at contributing something to the SF community.

I appreciate all the good work you do here - keep it up!


Dave Tackett said...

You're welcome - it was a good story. And of course, your and Cin's work at is also a noteworthy contribution to the SF community.