Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Wednesday Morning

Just a few freebies this morning, likely more later. Illustration from "The Machine Stops Pt 2 in the audio fiction section.

@Daily Science Fiction: "Exit Interview" by Patrick Johanneson.
For a couple seconds I couldn't stop blinking. Finally I got my eyelids back under conscious control, and, with what I thought was a heroic lack of quaver to my voice, I said, "Do you really have that kind of power?"
@Pixel of Ink [Kindle]:
"The Venom of Vipers" by K.C. May. Science Fiction / Technothriller.
"Scary Mary" by S.A. Hunter. Horror.
Audio Fiction
@Journey Into: "The Machine Stops (part 2)" by E.M. Forster, performed by a full cast.

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