Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Free Fiction, Audio Fiction, and Comics

 More great free fiction, including a couple of complete magazines, some comics and much more. I should note that SF Signal has its latest awesome Free Fiction Roundup online, and while many listings have appeared here already, many others have not. So do yourself a favor and check it out too.  The first QD Review (since its rebirth) should be up tonight or tomorrow - as soon as I can find a few more synonyms for putrid. (Kudos if anyone guesses which recently released blu-ray it is).


Bourbon Penn #5 [via SF Signal]
     "Everything You Were Looking For" by Samantha Henderson.
     "American Marsupial" by Clifford Garstang.
     "On That Time We Crossed" by Sam Duda.
     "The Rustic Ladder" by Daniel Ausema.
     "Day of the Creamsicles" by Don Raymond.
     "Faded Dreams of Division Street" by Wayne Allen Sallee.
     "Lucky" by Jeffrey Wooten.

The Future Fire Issue 2012.24  [via SF Signal]
     ‘Je me souviens’ by Su J. Sokol.
     ‘Secrets of the Sea’ by Jennifer Marie Brissett.
     ‘The Harpy’by Laura Heron.
     ‘Safecracker, Safe’by J.C. Hsyu/
     ‘Arrow’ by Barry King.
     ‘Courtship in the Country of Machine-Gods’ by Benjanun Sriduangkaew.


At Black Gate:  “The Duelist” by Jason E. Thummel. [via SF Signal]
At Buzzy Mag: "And Down Will Come Baby, Madmen And All" by Damien Walters.
At Buzzy Mag: "Blue Tag Sale" by Beth Cato.
At Daily Science Fiction: "From the Divide" by Nathan Tavare.
At Daily Science Fiction: "Blood Oranges" by K.C. Shaw.
At Lightspeed: "Flowing Unimpeded to the Enlightenment" by Robert Reed.
At Lightspeed: "Spindles" by L.B. Gale.
At Paizo:  Chapter One of "Proper Villains" by Erik Scott de Bie.
At Philippine Genre Stories: "Retokado" by Kyra Ballesteros.

At Beware the Hairy Mango: "Faster Food" by Matthew Sanborn Smith.
At LibriVox: Short Poetry Collection #112, which has a couple of poems that fit in well here - "The Raven" by Edgar Allan Poe and Tennyson's wonderful Arthurian poem "The Lady of Shalott"
At Lightspeed: "Flowing Unimpeded to the Enlightenment" by Robert Reed.
At StarShipSofa:  "The Man Who Built Heaven" by Keith Brooke.
At Tales to Terrify:  "The Threads" by Christopher Fowler.
At Tales to Terrify #37: "The Hound" by H.P. Lovecraft  and "Once Seen" by Conrad Williams.

At Atomic Kommie Comics: "Famous Explorers: Ceres" SF.
At Digital Comics Museum:  Captain Midnight UK 100 (US#50). SF.
At Digital Comics Museum:  Jumbo Comics 109. Adventure.
At Diversions of the Groovy Kind: "The Metamorph"  SF.
At Four-Color Shadows: "A Hole on His Head" Horror.

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