Saturday, October 20, 2012

Saturday Freebies

 We have quite a bit of free reading for a Saturday morning.  There's a new issue of the wonderful fantasy poetry magazine Goblin Fruit (illustrated to the left) and a new issue of the long-running Science Fiction magazine Aphelion (there's much more there than just the linked stories). There are some good sounding E-Books (hurry as the ones not at Smashwords are often only free for a very limited time).  Two great audio SF stories, the always great Escape Pod has a new episode and LibriVox has a story by the classic SF writer Poul Anderson.  And, as if that wasn't enough, there are a few flash and pulp fiction stories.  And to keep up ny evil plot to work SF Signal to death, there will almost certainly be more posts this weekend.  

Now Posted: Goblin Fruit Autumn 2012 featuring fantasy poetry.
 Now Posted: Aphelion #167 Featuring Science Fiction including

Via Pixel of InkThe Girls From Alcyone by Cary Caffrey. Science Fiction.
At Amazon: Alien Hunter, Star Trooper by David Scholes. Science Fiction.
At Smashwords:

Flash Fiction
At 365 Tomorrows: "The Uprising" by Bruce Meyer. Science Fiction.
At Flashes in the Dark: "Hollow" by Mike McLaren. Horror.

Audio Fiction
At Escape Pod:  "Some of Them Closer" by Marissa Lingen. Science Fiction.
      "Coming back to Earth was not the immediate shock they expected it to be for me. It was something, certainly, but I’d been catching up on the highlights of the news as it cascaded back to the ship on our relativistic return trip"
At LibriVox: "The Chapter Ends" by Poul Anderson. Science Fiction.
     "Far, far in the future the Earth is still spinning around the Sun, on the edge of the galaxy, dozing in obscurity, forgotten by it's trillions of progeny and completely irrelevant."

Other Genres 
At Online Pulps Site:  "Ace Killer" by Bruce McAlester from Sky Fighters, May, 1937 and "Harlequin's Death Mask" by Lawrence Treat from Ten Detective Aces, Feb, 1941. [Pulp/Noir]


John D. said...

I'm starting to thing you're trying to run Regan ragged so he quits and you get your old job back. :)

Dave Tackett said...

lol, oh God no!!! I was greatly honored to have been at SF Signal for awhile but it was a lot of stress (all self-created). Regan is doing an A+ job and the worst thing would be for him to quit.

I wish there were many more sites linking to the free fiction sites because they deserve even more attention.

John D. said...


Funny you thought it was a lot of stress. It couldn't have been too bad. Here you are doing it again! :)

Seriously, I think the community is better for all the hard work you and Regan do. Keep up the great work!

Dave Tackett said...
