Thursday, November 1, 2012

Free Fiction for Nov. 1

 Awesome free fiction (in several categories), likely more later.

At Beneath Ceaseless Skies: "After Compline, Silence Falls" by  M. Bennardo. Fantasy.
       "As I rub down the pony after returning from Biyen’s farm, Frère Bruno steps silently into the stable, his hands and forearms still smelling of the sweet wort he has been straining from the barley mash. He has something to say, but he is waiting to be spoken to."
 At Beneath Ceaseless Skies: "They Make of You a Monster" by Damien Walters Grintalis. Fantasy.
      "The Healers, three women draped in robes of red, enter her cell. They don’t say a word. She keeps silent when they grab her. Twists away from their grasp. Fights against them with all the strength she can summon."
At GigaNotoSaurus: "Woman of the Sun, Woman of the Moon" by by Benjanun Sriduangkaew. SF.
      "It is the aftermath of the world’s end, and nine birds–nine suns–lie dead while Houyi cradles the curve of her bow, her fingers locking around the taut hardness of its string. The tenth sun, the last, has fled. Chastise them, Dijun said, a father’s plea."
At Kasma SF: "The Unfortunate Necessity of Regular Upgrades" by C.J. Page. Science Fiction.
      "Ahead the remains of a man hang, held up by a crystalline something that's grown from the wall and into him. He's swollen as though overinflated, full of the stuff, and a mass of crystal shards sprouts from his mouth, nostrils, and empty eyesockets."

Flash Fiction

Audio Fiction
 At Beneath Ceaseless Skies: "Luck Fish" Peta Freestone. Fantasy.
      "Masozi holds the twitching fish carcass above his head, out of Themba's reach. "Make your own luck this year, little lion." He takes another bite and tries to grin, but it's all he can do not to cringe as a single fish scale cuts into the gum between his two front teeth."
At Decoder Ring Theater:  Red Panda - "The Missing Links" Noir. Superhero.
      "The city is held in a grip of terror as ordinary men and women go missing in a series of freakish electrical storms. Is it an occult menace? A Nazi plot against the city?"
At Drabblecast: "My True Lovecraft Gave to Me" by  Eric Lis. Horror.
      " I have loved working here, and I am very sorry to leave, but I fear that if I remain any longer, my health and my sanity will be forfeit. Perhaps if I explain the events of weeks, it will become clearer why I have to quit."
At Fantastic Worlds of Edgar Rice Burroughs: Episode 27 - Tarzan of the Apes. Adventure.
      "Tarzan and D’Arnot have made their way to civilization. Arriving in Paris, D’Arnot has taken Tarzan to visit his friend, a police inspector who is an expert in fingerprints."
At SFFAudio:  "The Pit And The Pendulum" by Edgar Allan Poe. Horror.
     "I was sick -- sick unto death with that long agony; and when they at length unbound me, and I was permitted to sit, I felt that my senses were leaving me. The sentence -- the dread sentence of death -- was the last of distinct accentuation which reached my ears."

At Atomic Kommie Comics: "Twice Alive" Sci-Fi.  Horror.
At The Comic Book Catacombs: "Ghost of the Un-Dead" Horror.
At Diversions of the Groovy Kind:"Never Walk on a Grave!" Horror.
At The Horrors of It All: "Change... into Something Comfortable / Trick or Treat" Horror.
At Pappy's Golden Age Comics Blogzine: “We Ain't Got No Body! / Tombs-Day" Horror.
At Seduction of the Innocent: "I am a Zombie!" Horror.

Other Genres
At Every Day Fiction:  "Souvenir" by Vaidehi. Flash.

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