[Art from "Dracula" in Comics below]
At The Colored Lens: "The Illusionist" by Bruce Holland Rogers.
"When Jerome’s father died, his mother started visiting mediums and spiritualists, and Jerome would come along and sit in the room while his father’s messages were conveyed to the land of the living. This was the beginning of his interest in crystal balls, velvet cushions, bright scarves, and other accoutrements of magic. Before he was even a teenager, Jerome knew that communication with the dead was a confidence game"
At Nightmare Magazine: "Graves" by Joe Haldeman. Horror. 1993.
"I have this persistent sleep disorder that makes life difficult for me, but still I want to keep it. Boy, do I want to keep it. It goes back twenty years, to Vietnam. To Graves." the Nebula Award and the World Fantasy Award for best short story in 1993.
Flash Fiction
- At Daily Science Fiction: "Old Flames"by Sylvia Spruck Wrigley.
- At Every Day Fiction: "Consuming" by Peter Tupper. Science Fiction.
- At 365 Tomorrows: "Beaming" by Duncan Shields. Science Fiction.
- At Yesteryear Fiction: "The Storm" by TRS. Fantasy, short poem.
Via Pixel of Ink:
- Bad Radio (The Emergent Earth) by Michael Langlois. Urban Fantasy
- Empire (In Her Name: Redemption #1) by Michael R. Hicks. Science Fiction.
- Nice Day to Die by Cameron Jace. YA. Science Fiction.
- G1.1 by JT Kalnay. Technothriller.
- Half Past by Catherine Winchester. Fantasy.
- Past Due by Catherine Winchester. Fantasy.
- Bemused by Catherine Winchester. Fantasy.
- How to Train Your Zombie by C S Winchester
- Transmission by James Calbraith. Science Fiction.
- Woven With A Silent Motto by L J Hutton. Fantasy.
- "Faith Of Fools" by Lee Donoghue. Fantasy Short Story.
- Islandia The Lost Colony by C.J. Klinger. Science Fiction.
- "Into the Tower" by Bruno Stella. Fantasy. 6k.
- Rift of Askrah Book 1: Fracture by Benjamin Andrews. 91k.
- "Hegira" by Ela Lond. Fantasy. 12k.
- "The Duel" by Shane Griffin. Fantasy. 5k.
- "The Secret Garden of Zombies" by Erin Pyne. Horror. 8k.
At Nightmare Magazine: "Graves" by Joe Haldeman. Horror.
See "Fiction" above.
At PodCastle: Giant Episode: "The Tricks of London" by Elizabeth Bear.
"“That’s the third damned dead whore in seventeen days,” Detective Inspector Rupert Bitner said, his educated tones incongruous to his choice of words. He slurped tea loudly from the chipped enamel lid of a vacuum flask."
At StarShipSofa: Episode No. 264.
"In Their Garden" by Brenda Cooper.Free Comics
"I’m running back through the desiccated woods, going too fast to keep the sticks and branches that have fallen from the trees from cracking under my weight. My skin and mouth are dry. The afternoon sun has sucked all the water from me, and I haven’t stopped to drink."
"Futures in the Memories Market" by Nina Kiriki Hoffman.
"You can't do anything else when you emp one of Geeta Tilrassen's memory modules. Her senses seize you; you see through her eyes, taste with her tongue, hear with her ears. And touch? You've never felt air against your skin until you've felt it breathe across hers."
- At The Horrors of It All: "The Two-Timer" Horror. 1954.
- At Comic Book Catacombs: "Wambi the Jungle Boy in "Enter the Sultans Dungeon" Adventure. 1941.
- At Seduction of the Innocent: "Dracula" part four. Horror. 1953
- "Video: watch Hobbit TV spot #5!.."
- "My Little Pony Lord of the Rings video parody" [Be Afraid!]
- "Interview with the Hobbit himself"
- "The Hobbit: Kingdoms of Middle-earth out now on iOS and Android"
- "3 New Hobbit Movie Posters [Pics]"
- "Life before Dorothy: James Franco's Wizard gets to know Michelle William's Good Witch in prequel Oz: The Great And Powerful"
- "New 'Oz Great and Powerful' photos show off mystical land and cast"
- "The Sun: Our Perfectly Average Middle Aged Star " [Video]
- "Solving the Mystery of Aging: Longevity Gene Makes Hydra Immortal and Humans Grow Older"
- "Star Trek's Universal Translator Much Closer"
- "Physicists peek through opaque materials"
- "Meteor Shower This Week"
- "Scientists use quasars to probe dark energy over 10 billion years in the past"
- "Rare Particle Find May Cast Doubt on Popular Physics Theory"
- "Why the World Won't End in 2012"
- "Rover's 'SAM' Lab Instrument Suite Tastes Soil"
- "Ancient hominid had an unusual diet"
- "What Really Happened to the Maya?"
- "Ancient Roman Giant Found"
- "Stone Tools Point to Creative Work by Early Humans in Africa"
- "Unferth the Unhealthy" (Medieval Medicine) [Podcast]
About: The History Channel's whirlwind tour of history. Episode one covered important discoveries and inventions. This was a rather disappointing attempt to create a history equivalent of Planet Earth.
The Good: Many individual scenes were interesting enough, though too brief and generally lacking in real context. The visuals were good, though not nearly what the hype would have one believe.
The Bad: The very nature of the show lends itself to a limited, shallow interpretation of critical historical events. It focused too much on events and too little on the various cultures involved with these events. Worse, it took controversial opinions, such as the idea that Stonehenge was a memorial to the dead, and presented them as established facts. And worst, the series deliberately eschewed actual experts and relied on celebrities (Brian Williams, Dr. Oz, Anthony Bourdain) to give what are, at best, semi-informed opinions.
Final Rating: 5 of 10. Read a couple history books instead of watching this series.
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