Now Posted: Expanded Horizons #38 Speculative Fiction.
At Fear and Trembling: "A Fixer-Upper" by Mark Silcox. Horror. Ghost."Scales as Pale as Moonlight" by Silvia Moreno-Garcia."A child wailed in the dark, in the scrubland. The serpent screams like that as it waits in the thickets. Laura opened the window and stood still, listening. The cry did not repeat itself.""He Can Pull Out of the Soil and Walk Away" by EA Hopson."I look up and see the dog playing with a dropped branch in the drive. He is shaking it back and forth, trying to break the imaginary neck beneath the bark. It takes me a full two minutes to realise that it’s not a branch at all, but a broken prong from the antlers of the moose they towed away this morning."
"It was the sort of road that might have been frightening to travel in the dark. It turned and wound to and fro through the rugged countryside like a weird carnival ride. The hedges on either side were unruly and hopping with life, and there certainly wasn’t enough space for two cars to pass alongside one another without incident."
Now Posted: Fusion Fragment #19
"The Crows Dance While The Baby Cries" by Daniel Davis. Science Fiction.Now Posted Interstellar Fiction Dec. 2012: Science Fiction.
"Some sort of vision Portholes occasionally experienced, potent enough to be depicted on the medallion, mysterious enough to garner only a few mentions in official research. No explanation was known, though it had been hypothesized that the drug affected the human mind in some primal way, going back thousands of years, to when fears and joys and all of life's experiences were basic. A shared hallucination.
"Every Breath You Take" by Don Norum. Science Fiction.
"The lady on the television said that she could sense them. $3.99 a minute, she'd tell you where they were. Bathroom, bedroom, kitchen - how many, what they were doing, what they looked like."
"Evaporated Government" by John Skylar. Science Fiction.
"Apparently I am the President of the United States of America. It's not something I've processed all the way yet."
"Cold Pride" by James K. Isaac. Science Fiction.Now Posted: Quantum Muse: December 2012 Edition.
"Quinn was impulsive; according to the assessment of his masters anyway. But he dismissed their words as “the counter intuitive judgments of those who had been too long out the field.” His masters were old, unlike Brother Quinn who possessed both youth and talent, who was gifted with speed of foot and mind, a quick study."
"One Good Turn" by Edward H. Park. Science Fiction.
"Michael didn’t sense anything wrong until he was almost back to the ship. He had no communications with the rest of the crew when his orbit took him to the other side of the planet, of course, but even when the ship showed up again on the scanner he didn’t bother to call in. He was still going over the data gathered on the planet’s tiny moon."
"Maximum Law" by Martin Clark. Science Fiction.
"Rolling in the deep, wired to the max. Adele playing on Retro FM, Jim driving, me hugging the 12-gauge to my chest, head bobbing in time to the beat. We were both fired up on Godz — methamphetamine with a ketamine bumper — and feeling pretty damn invincible."
"Beyond the Rift" by Jeromy Henry. Fantasy.Now Posted: Perihelion - Dec. 2012: Science Fiction.
"Everyone who tries the ritual ends up insane or altered into something... unpleasant. But Jed has nothing to lose. Can he be the first one to master magic? Will he unlock the secrets of the world, or destroy it?"
"Grulym" by Astrid Nielsen. Fantasy.
"Dark forces are at work in the city of Grulym, and Raduz, an exiled doctor, is unkowingly tied to the changes aubout to happen."
"Paradoxical" by Impotent Verse. Science Fiction.
"What is stranger, the notes Jack finds tucked inside his library books, or that he takes their messages very seriously?"
"Eye of the Trapped Animal" by Gordon Rowlinson. "Alternative"
"What would you do if you had an out of body experience and witnessed a crime. You couldn't prove it."
"Who By Fire" by Jeff Samson. Science Fiction.Flash Fiction
"THE LIFT DESCENDS, GRINDING and shuddering down the station’s spine. Through the smoky glass doors I watch the hangar names slide across my line of sight in thick, jet-black characters crosshatched with colors that change from level to level. They shift from cool purples and blues to warm greens and ambers to hot rusts and reds, their palette specified long ago by some methodical, color-minded engineer."
Shit Eatin’ Dog by Bob Sojka. Science Fiction.
"The spacecraft’s gazetteer and botanary had sparse entries for this location, and only a few features were identified with earth names. What mattered more was that the air was promisingly redolent with a blend of organic volatiles emanating from the profusion of living and decaying carbon-based life forms all about."
Joshua Who Could See by Elizabeth Streeter. Science Fiction.
"Joshua keeps his head down, black sunglasses shielding his eyes. He focuses on nothing. The doctors taught him this technique. It will calm you, they said. Keep you from getting overwhelmed. Keep you from hurting yourself."
Calliope Muse by Rebecca L. Brown. Science Fiction.
"CALLIOPE MUSE IS a Breeder. You can tell by the way she wears her hips; full— not shaved down widthways like all the other girlies. If not by that, then you can tell by the hang of her tits—almost down to her waist if she didn’t have that clasp contraption on and buckled up tight. Calliope Muse is a Breeder and that makes her desirable."
Waver of the Image by Joe Occhipinti. Science Fiction.
"His eyes ran along the camber of the world, along the seam to where the arch of green grass gave way to the bend of sky. Every hundred paces or so an elbow of dull gray pipe the size of his waist jutted out of the land and plunged into the silver hue; the elbows were like stitches that cleaved the sky to the earth."
Salvation of Sam by Ellen Denton. Science Fiction.
"IT WAS NOW TWO YEARS since Sam had gotten out of prison and been posted on Rika 4. He shook his head with disgust as he looked at the expanse of flat, brown sand stretching as far as he could see in all directions. He still had a hard time accepting that he was on some dump of a planet that didn’t even have virtual reality-escape machines. Even prisons had them these days."
Three Into Two Won’t Go by Ann Gimpel. Science Fiction.
"CORINA TROTTED SMARTLY down the well-worn dirt track. She’d gotten a shred off course, but astute orienteering had fixed that. The angle of the sun was a bit of a puzzle. She didn’t see how it could have shifted to the western sky so quickly. And she was worried about Josh. What had happened to him? One minute they’d been together, the next she was walking by herself, feeling out of it."
3rd Dragoon Regiment and the Liberation of Contagor’e-Mare by Don C. Ciers. Science Fiction.
"Our timing is perfect, Commodore. Balesti and Aipian are at aphelion. ESR shows 17 civilian transports in orbit of Aipian and her moons and stations, half of them are running cold. Even if they power up in time they won’t reach the 9-3 lanes before we do,” the S-3 asserted."
Collector’s Item by Doug Donnan. Science Fiction.
“A hundred bucks? Why that’s highway robbery,” Mandelbrite replied as he waved his pudgy hands aloft like some crazed televangelist. “I don’t think you realize the potential of this little robot.”
- At Expanded Horizons: "A New Word" by Rachel Manija Brown. Fantasy Poem.
- At Fear and Trembling: "Song of the Frogs" by M. T. Nagel. Horror.
- At Fear and Trembling: "Unprepared" by Celesta Thiessen. Zombies.
- At 365 Tomorrows: "Two’s a Crowd" by Tom Coupland. Science Fiction.
- At Antipodean: Speculative Fiction:
"Faerie Blues" by Chris Andrews.
"Corporate Body" by D.W. Walker.
"The Past Is A Good Place" by Antoinette Rydyr.
"Solipsism" by Kevin J. Phyland.
"Dogtrap" by Dr. Michael Schaper.
At Beam Me Up: Episode #342. Science Fiction and Fact.
Featuring part 4 of Poul Anderson’s "Call Me Joe" and "Make Mine a Macchiato" by Mark Webb. As well as science news and commentary.
At Cthulhu: The House on the Borderland by William Hope Hodgson (Parts 8 & 9) Horror.
"I suppose I must have swooned; for, the next thing I remember, I opened my eyes, and all was dusk. I was lying on my back, with one leg doubled under the other, and Pepper was licking my ears. I felt horribly stiff, and my leg was numb, from the knee, downward. For a few minutes, I lay thus, in a dazed condition; then, slowly, I struggled to a sitting position, and looked about me."
At The Fantastic Worlds of Edgar Rice Burroughs: Episode 07 - The Return of Tarzan Adventure.
"Tarzan’s sojourn in Paris has come to an end. Through his friendship with the Count De Coude, he has been presented with a position as special agent of the French ministry of war."
Other Genres
Audio at Tales of Old: "When Grandpa Played Baseball" Historical Fiction.
Flash Fiction at Every Day Fiction: "Deeper" by Douglas Campbell.
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