[Art for "The Tunnel Under the World" linked below]
Flash Fiction
- At Every Day Fiction: "The Stars are Closer than You Know" by Ian Florida. Science Fiction.
- At 365 Tomorrows: "Land of Opportunity" by Daniel M. Bensen. Science Fiction.
- At Weirdyear: "Fame" by Mike Putnam. Weird.
Audio Fiction
• At Classic Tales Podcast: The Wizard of Oz, Part 3 of 4, by L. Frank Baum. YA Fantasy.
Oz, The Great And Terrible appears to each of the company, every time in a different form. He demands that before he will grant any courage, brains, hearts or transportation, they must kill the Wicked Witch of the West.
• At Escape Pod: "Concussion" by David Glen Larson. Science Fiction.
"Never before had Tyler experienced such terror. Sure, he’d been afraid—afraid his knee would give out again, sidelining him for the big game; afraid he’d let down his teammates and make a fool of himself—but he’d never been terrified of being incinerated in an alien system countless light-years from the home world he was forced to flee. Not until now."
• At LibriVox: "The Tunnel Under the World" by Frederik Pohl. Science Fiction.
"This famous Pohl story explores cybernetic robots and implanted personalities in a way that certainly expanded my way of looking at reality. Is that wall really real? or is it just kinda, sorta real? And who am I? The protagonist, Guy Burckhardt, wakes up screaming from a horrible dream of explosions, searing fire, choking gas and other terrible ways to die."
• At Pseudopod: "Enzymes" by Greg Stolze. Horror.
"“Maybe I’m not human, maybe I never was. I’m pretty sure humans never feel like I do when I drink gasoline, that sweet intoxication, so pregnant with possibility and power. It’s like the power of the sun, and of a great tree that drew in sunlight to grow, and of an ancient beast that ate of the tree and died, that sank into the earth and was worked on by millions of years until it turned to oil."
• At Tales to Terrify: "The Gaze Dogs of Nine Waterfall" by Kaaron Warren. Horror.
"was inspired by the stray dogs you see everywhere. It was also inspired by a newspaper article telling of the vampire dogs that were taking animal stock. The accepting tone of the article gave me the idea for the story." - Horror Writers Association Blog.
Other Genres
• At CraftLit: Jane Eyre, Chapter 15 by Charlotte Brontë. Classic.
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