At Black Gate: “The Moonstones of Sor Lunarum” by Joe Bonadonna. Fantasy.
"Long before the legendary cities of Cush and Erusabad were destroyed by war, the graveyard was old. No one knew how old the graveyard truly was, for the carvings on its headstones and markers had been long worn away by the hands of time, wind, and weather. The cemetery crouched with its dead in a hidden vale in the dark heart of Khanya-Toth, land of shadows, black magic, and creatures of the night."
At The WiFiles: "Captive of the Count (A Philip Marvel Adventure)" by Frank Hagelberg.
"All was pitch black. This must be a dream, thought Philip. A moment back he had been at the playground in the neighbor’s garden, pitting Spiderman against the Incredible Hulk, and glimpsing into the rich light of a warm late fall morning. Am I blinking? As far as blinks go, this is a long one. And why is it so cold all of a sudden?"
At Silver Blade: "Altruism" by Molly N. Moss.
JAAD-6 assaulters showed off strike maneuvers, making thunderclaps as they broke the speed of sound five times over. A small girl cringed from the explosions and clung to her father’s knee. “Take me home, Daddy,” she screamed to make herself heard. “Please!”
At Wily Writers: "Cineraku" by Donald Jacob Uitvlugt.
"It was not a holonovel, where audience and performer were one, the viewer the solipsistic star of everything. Nor was it teleradio, with thoughts and emotions beamed directly to the brain. It was not a net opera, with everyone jacked into the same experience. His art was cineraku, and Takemoto was a master."
Flash Fiction
- At Daily Science Fiction: "The Mountain" by Andrew Kozma.
- At Flashes in the Dark: "On Cemetery Hill" by Shawn Brink. Horror.
- At 365 Tomorrows: "Dinner With The Morlocks" by David Barber. Science Fiction.
Audio Fiction
• At Beam Me Up: "Trathh - The Story Continues" by David Scholes. Science Fiction.
"another low key tale of the warrior Trath coming back to visit one of the remote aboriginal tribes."
• At Cthulhu: "House on the Borderland, parts 18 and 19" by William Hope Hodgson. Horror.
"some trouble with time, where things get even weirder."
• At Fantastic Worlds of Edgar Rice Burroughs: "Episode 26 (Final) - The Return of Tarzan"
"Tarzan has rescued Jane and returned her to the camp where Clayton lies dying."
• At Journey Into: "The Boy Who Could Bend and Fall" by Ken Scholes.
"Focus Jones, a.k.a Slinky Boy, has an interesting way of escaping his reality."
• At Toasted Cake: "Nahuales" by Silvia Moreno-Garcia. Horror.
No description found.
• At Wily Writers: "Cineraku" by Donald Jacob Uitvlugt.
Described above
Other Genres
- Audio at Every PHOTO Tells: "Helium Heart" by Dan Absalonson.
- Audio at Crime City Central: "Last Orders" by Tony Black. Crime.
- Audio at Forgotten Classics: "The Unforeseen, chapter 11" by Dorothy Macardle. Gothic.
- Flash Fiction at Every Day Fiction: "A Hero’s Legacy" by Samantha Memi.
- Flash Fiction at Every Day Fiction: "The Soul (Eating) Mate" by Michael McMullen.
Hi Dave
My podcast story on Beam Me Up is "Trathh - The Story Continues"
Dave Scholes
Fixed it, sorry about that.
Hi Dave, thank you for the shout- outs for our podcast!
I was just wondering if you could change the podcast title to Every PHOTO Tells please :)
Thank you! Katharina
Fixed it, sorry about that. I must have been sleep posting!
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