Monday, October 22, 2012

Freebies - Leinster, Lovecraft, Doctorow, Stoss, and More

 More good free fiction today, including the start of a three part serial at Black Gate and much more..  There may be a second post today, time permitting. And be sure to check out the latest updates at  Free Speculative Fiction Online (many stories were added on the 17th).

At Author's Site: "Rapture of the Nerds" by Cory Doctorow and Charles Stross. [Via SF Signal]
     "This is by no means unusual, but for once Huw’s head hurts more than his bladder. He’s lying head down, on his back, in a bathtub. He scrabbles for a handhold and pulls himself upright. A tub is a terrible place to spend a night."
At Black Gate:  "A Phoenix in Darkness - Part 1" by Donald S. Crankshaw. Fantasy.
     "Quian’s serf village spilled out of the city’s grim walls like rotten apples from an overturned basket. The city gate, an iron-bound door barely wide enough to accommodate a cart, opened up to a snarl of muddy pathways through the weather-worn hovels."
At Short-Story.Me: "Breath of Lisetta" by Jordan E. Miere. Fantasy.
     "Lisetta breathed against her fingers as they clutched the bone handle of her knife.  Her breath enfolded her purplish digits where the threadbare gloves no longer covered them."
At Short-Story.Me:  "The Quarry" by Jack Coey. Horror.
     "They walked single file, the sun was beating down, and the men sweated. One of the hobos stopped and wiped his face with his shirt tail. He’d been in Vietnam and his life hadn’t gone that well since."
At Short-Story.Me: "Colors" by Catina Noble. Fantasy.
      "I feel odd, not like my usual self. Something is different; I cannot put my finger on it. I think for a few minutes. I look inside myself. I do not like what I see. I am an empty shell, I just sit here. I occupy space for others."
At The WiFiles:  "Human/Nature" by Mireille Wells. Speculative Fiction.
      "The formerly white structure is now veined with greenish brown mold. The windows are all black squares, decorated with shards of broken glass. I stand and watch, but nothing moves inside the building. This is all that remains of the laboratory where I labored to end the world."

 Audio Fiction
At LibriVox: "The Ambulance Made Two Trips" by Murray Leinster. Science Fiction.
     "Murray Leinster gives us another wonderful product of 'what if' from his limitless imagination to enjoy in this gem of a story" First published in Astounding Science Fiction April 1960.
 At Radio Drama Revival: "The Statement of Randolph Carter" by HP Lovecraft. Horror.
    "Again I say, I do not know what has become of Harley Warren, though I think--almost hope--that he is in peaceful oblivion, if there be anywhere so blessed a thing. It is true that I have for five years been his closest friend, and a partial sharer of his terrible researches into the unknown."
At SFFaudio: "Out Of The Storm" by William Hope Hodgson. Horror.
     "It is a little after midday: but the sky is the color of mud--do you understand?--gray mud! Down from it there hang vast lappets of clouds. Not such clouds as I have ever before seen; but monstrous, mildewed-looking hulls. They show solid, save where the frightful wind tears their lower edges into great feelers that swirl savagely above us, like the tentacles of some enormous Horror."
At Toasted Cake: "The Foreigner" by M. Darusha Wehm.
     "I have about an hour before the shareholders' meeting, but I have to stop by the day care first, so I want to make this snappy."

Flash Fiction
At Daily Science Fiction: "Trophy Wife" by Samantha Murray.

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