Some very good stuff already including three short stories, flash fiction, e-books, audio fiction (including Beam Me Up and a sequel to The Legend of Sleepy Hollow). And there's some interesting science news and gaming items.
At DargonZine: "Ol Tamboch Narhin, Thread 3: Schooling" by Dafydd Cyhoeddwr. Fantasy.
"All magic is the same and springs from one of only two sources: the natural world or the divine. Yes, yes, I'm sure you've been told different."
At DargonZine: "Five Days in Winter – Part 1" by Joseph Carney. Fantasy.
"Early one Mertz morning Tobey ran along a path following a frozen stream, leaping over fallen trees and snow covered gnarled roots with grace and ease. The tops of massive pine trees reached high into the sky while their lower branches, covered with snow, scraped the ground."
At Hub Magazine: "Aesthetic Appreciation on Asperex" by Eric Brown. Science Fiction.
"I was four when the aliens came. They arrived in a silver ship. We watched it land in the desert and squat there, silent and menacing. As hours elapsed and nothing happened, we gained confidence"
Flash Fiction:
At 365 Tomorrows: "Awoken" by Methias. Science Fiction.
At Free eBooks Daily:
- Dark Matter by John Rollason. Science Fiction.
- A World Of Assassins by Neil Davies. Science Fiction.
- Death Weeps by Tamara Rose Blodgett. Science Fiction.
- Sleepytown 2020 by Tina Mavrikidis. Science Fiction.
- In-Laws, Ghosts & Madmen: Seventeen Stories About Suburbia by E. Zasada.
- Pumpkin Batter by Mario Karloff. Horror.
- The Information Thieves by ML Katz. Science Fiction.
At Smashwords:
- "A Flash in the Pan?" by Mark Webb. speculative flash fiction stories. 4k.
- Lakebridge: Spring by Natasha Troop. Horror. 83k.
- Child of Time by Snow McNally. Science Fiction. 75k.
Audio Fiction
At Beam Me Up: Part one of Poul Anderson’s "Call Me Joe." "A great work on telepresence from a master author." and Erin Bassett’s Clockwork episode 7.
At Fantastic Worlds of Edgar Rice Burroughs: Episode 02 - The Return of Tarzan. Adventure.
"Tarzan is onboard an ocean liner crossing the Atlantic to France. He has caught a vicious Russian villain attempting to slander the French Count de Coude by falsely accusing him of cheating at cards. "
At Journey Into: "Ichabod Crane, Master of the Occult" by D.K. Thompson. Horror.
"Ichabod Crane returns to Sleepy Hollow, but this time he's out for revenge."
Other Genres
- At Every Day Fiction: "The Last Fanatics" by Douglas Campbell. Historical Fiction. W.W. II.
- "Hydrogen fuel edges a step closer"
- "China 'plans manned space launch' in 2013"
- "Best Space Pictures of the Week - Nov. 11, 2012"
- "The Van Allen Probes"
- "Europe’s 'flying fridge’ to explore Mercury is unveiled"
- "Disappear from the Internet forever"
- "For Maya, Climate Change May Have Been Blessing and Curse"
- "Woolly Mammoth Skeleton Found Near Paris, Nicknamed ‘Helmut’"
- "Catastrophe and Conspiracy: The evidence of the sixth century Byzantine sources for the AD 536 environmental event"
- "Weird Fungi of the Underdark" (Table).
- "Dragon - December 1978" (Retro-review)
- "Making Failure an Option" (essay)
- "Sword of Hate" (Magic Item)
- "Psionic Bestiary: Pyn-Gok and Tartys" (review)
- "Scorpitaur" (Monster - WHFRP)
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